5 months ago【NL】De lipidenanodeeltjes in COVID vaccins zijn nooit goedgekeurd voor normale, gezonde mensenGloryMifan2
4 months agoLe vaccin japonais à ARNm auto-reproducteur les vaccinés vaccineront les non-vaccinés par proximitéFreefreedom21
7 months agoYou're 5 times likely to get Covid difficulties if you've been Covid vaccinatednewstart2024Verified
5 months agoJapan has declared war against all nations by manufacturing diseases that self-replicate to infects everyone based on mRNA technology.WaynePalmer
6 months agoThe COVID Vaccine Breaks the Golden Rule of Never Getting Vaccinated During PregnancyGloryMifan
2 months agoThe doctors were massively misled, If I knew then what I know nowCanadian Citizens Journal
6 months ago【PL】Szczepionka przeciwko COVID-19 łamie złotą zasadę, która nigdy nie powinna być ...GloryMifan2
6 months ago【IT】Il vaccino COVID infrange la regola d'oro di non vaccinarsi mai durante la gravidanzaGloryMifan2
6 months ago【NL】Het COVID vaccin doorbreekt de gouden regel om je nooit te laten vaccineren ...GloryMifan2
5 months ago【HU】COVID-oltás lipid nanorészecskéit soha nem hagynák jóvá egészséges emberek számáraGloryMifan2
6 months ago【HU】A COVID-oltás megszegi azt az aranyszabályt, hogy terhesség alatt soha ne oltass beGloryMifan2
4 months ago【IT】Lo scopo delle iniezioni di Covid è quello di creare questi effetti collateraliGloryMifan2
6 months agoThe Lipid Nanoparticles in COVID Vaccines Are Never Approved for Normal-Healthy HumansGloryMifan
8 months agoStudy that finds signs of heart injury in vaccinated people without chest pain.newstart2024Verified