More Chaos On Jan 2nd: DC Crazy Driver, Explosive Device on Idaho Train, Plane Crashes Into Fullerton, California -- I-85 Shuts Down In South Carolina Due to Bomb Threat on 18 Wheeler -- The 6G Threat & Trump, Word from the Lord: Micah 3
SUNY Oneonta: Police Try To Intimidate Me, I Stand My Ground, Bella Joins Me Preaching & Invites Her Boyfriend and Other Christian Students, Soon Large Crowd Forms, Revival Seems to Be About to Break Out, Then Hypocrite Jezebel Ruins Everything
Florida International Univ (Miami): Humble Student Asks Good Questions, Two Skeptics Pepper Me With Questions, An Atheist & Catholic Ask For Proof the Bible Is True, Thousands Hear The Gospel Message!
My Video Exposing Trump As A Trans-Gender Pervert Goes Viral, My Prophetic Word To The USA, Trump Attends Al Smith Dinner, Hypocrisy of Anons, Obama & Biden Lip Reading, Elon Musk In PA, The Unholy Trifecta, Dave Ramsey Used By Anons To Prop Up Evil
Trump's Freemasonry, Trump Declares He Is A Kabbalist, Tucker Wears Kabbalistic Red Band, The Depths of Satan in Kabballah, Ezekiel 8 and Abominations in Temple, USS Lincoln and nuke sub ordered to Middle East, Elon & Trump Interview Tonight
Two-Story Trump Statue Reveals The Unhinged Idolatry of Trump-Tards, Russia Warns Its Citizens To Prepare Emergency Go-Bag, Trump Appoints Kash Patel To Head FBI As Trump Seeks To Usher In The End Times Beast System, I Recommend A Youtube Channel
Pam Bondi Exposed As Heading Child Sex Trafficking Ring in Florida by Investigative Journalist T. Holmseth, Jeremy Stone Exposed As A Hypocrite Headed For Hell, Putin Fires ICBM In A War For 1st Time In Human History, Bomb Cyclone A Warning To PNW
Chaos Rips Across America, NOLA ISIS Attacker and Las Vegas Tesla Truck Bomber Both From Same Military Base, Elon Posts Bizarre Photo, Trump Calls Upon CIA, Lightning Strikes Multiple Government Buildings, Psalm 91
Ron Paul The Freemason and Lover of Porn Joins Trump Train, Norman Vincent Peale 33rd Degree Mason, Proof of Trump's Incest, Pedophilia And History of Running the Deep State Crime Families, Ark of the Covenant Replica, Maher and Fauci Love Trump
Trump & RFK Jr. Join Forces, Trey Smith Reveals Ron Wyatt Ark of Covenant & I Tie This In To Great Delusion & Jeremiah 3, Trump's Replica Ark In Mar-A-Lago, The 4 Trumpets of Revelation, Daniel 9:27 Confirmation of The Covenant, Get Ready
University of Florida: Tears Wet My Eyes As I Preach To the Careless Multitudes, A Humble Christian Asks About My Method, A Mocking Lesbian Receives A Gospel Tract, I Really Felt The Anointing Today, The Hour Is SO LATE!
Trump's "Golden Age", Putin Calls For A New World Order, Trump's Israel Temple Coin, Trump's Biometric Tracking System, Noah-Hide Laws, Sanhedrin & Trump's Plan, It's Time To Wake Up, The 7 Year Tribulation
"Rebirth" Ceremony of Notre Dame, Trump & Mrs. Biden, Anons Gush Over Antichrist Trump Ushering In World Peace, 1st Thess 5:3, Radiation Levels Spike In San Diego
Trump Worship Intensifies At Butler Rally, Elon Musk Warns of Last Election, Melania Is Pro Abortion, Lee Greenwood the Satanic Pedo, Unholy Trifecta, Kamala's Teleprompter Breaks, Helene's Rising Death Toll, Hurricane Milton, Israel vs Iran
From August 2024: Re-Upload of Single Most Important Video I Have Ever Made: Sabbath Bible Study: Daniel 9:27 Confirmation of The Covenant, 7 Year Tribulation, 7th Trumpet Rapture, 144,000 & The Two Witnesses, Donald Trump, Promise of Philadelphia
Rabbi Calls on Trump To Implement Noahide Laws, Gaetz Freemason Roots, Trump Partners with Bill Gates Funded Global Vaccine Alliance, Striking Similarities Between Christ's Family Tree & Trump's Family Tree