1. You have an inheritance, a destiny given to you by God that can only be found in the Lord Jesus!

    You have an inheritance, a destiny given to you by God that can only be found in the Lord Jesus!

  2. The LORD is pleased when YOU walk by faith in his power, ability, and in his goodness towards You!

    The LORD is pleased when YOU walk by faith in his power, ability, and in his goodness towards You!

  3. Not Having It All Together? Trust the Lord and Keep Your Eyes on Him! #FaithInGod #TrustTheProcess

    Not Having It All Together? Trust the Lord and Keep Your Eyes on Him! #FaithInGod #TrustTheProcess

  4. You don't have to have the perfect conditions for the LORD to send the right people to help YOU!

    You don't have to have the perfect conditions for the LORD to send the right people to help YOU!

  5. The Lord's Strength is powerful in of You, because in your weakness he is made stronger through You!

    The Lord's Strength is powerful in of You, because in your weakness he is made stronger through You!

  6. Pump the WORD of the LORD through YOU, and allow it to transform your life!

    Pump the WORD of the LORD through YOU, and allow it to transform your life!

  7. The LORD's Grace is abundantly supplied to YOU, regardless of the situation!

    The LORD's Grace is abundantly supplied to YOU, regardless of the situation!

  8. The LORD will not only provide for YOU, but he will multiply your seed to plant for future harvests!

    The LORD will not only provide for YOU, but he will multiply your seed to plant for future harvests!

  9. You can focus on the Bible, and on the LORD Jesus, regardless of the onslaught of the enemy!

    You can focus on the Bible, and on the LORD Jesus, regardless of the onslaught of the enemy!

  10. The devil wants to discourage YOU, but the LORD renews You day by day!

    The devil wants to discourage YOU, but the LORD renews You day by day!

  11. “My Help Comes from the Lord” (Psalm 121:2, NIV)

    “My Help Comes from the Lord” (Psalm 121:2, NIV)

  12. #302 ABE HAMADEH WON ATTORNEY GENERAL OF ARIZONA...PROOF! But He Won't Bring It To Court & Take His Seat BUT Loves To Take Our Donations...DEMAND HE DOES IT NOW! Abe Can Save Arizona & America By SETTING ASIDE His Election!

    #302 ABE HAMADEH WON ATTORNEY GENERAL OF ARIZONA...PROOF! But He Won't Bring It To Court & Take His Seat BUT Loves To Take Our Donations...DEMAND HE DOES IT NOW! Abe Can Save Arizona & America By SETTING ASIDE His Election!

  13. JD Vance says JESUS is KING days after lib satanic democrat cult Kamala hate CHRISTian JESUS is LORD

    JD Vance says JESUS is KING days after lib satanic democrat cult Kamala hate CHRISTian JESUS is LORD

  14. The LORD wants YOU Healed, Healthy, and Prospering, as You walk in the truth of his Word!

    The LORD wants YOU Healed, Healthy, and Prospering, as You walk in the truth of his Word!
