SIGHTINGS: Feat. Clifford Stone (S2 E21) — UFO’s Harass the Military, New Bigfoot Footage, and the Same UFO Filmed by 3 Different Sources! | [Vintage TV Before the CIA Had Full Grasp]
RA/Marduk, Thoth, Enoch, The Pyramid Wars, The Rothschild Dynasty, The Earth Realm Simulation, Karmic Wheel Souls (Humans), Volunteer Souls (Starseeds), No-Soul Avatars (Backfill People), and More! | Billy Carson on Sean Stone's "BuzzSaw"
Joe Rogan & Donald J. Trump Interview Highlights | "You Got Introduced (On The View) As Our Friend Donald Trump. They Were All Talking About How You Might Be Conservative In Your Financial Positions, But Very Liberal Socially."
Biden Administration to SEND NUKES to Ukraine?! + The UK and France to Send Troops á La WW3.. | Roger Stone Visits Luke Rudkowski & Company (