1. Feb 14, 2011 🎺 The Lord says... My Blood and My Tears pour down, yet My own People remain unclean

    Feb 14, 2011 🎺 The Lord says... My Blood and My Tears pour down, yet My own People remain unclean

  2. March 2, 2011 🎺 It is Time! You must choose… Me or the World

    March 2, 2011 🎺 It is Time! You must choose… Me or the World

  3. March 7, 2011 🎺 Consider My Words and prepare, for the Day of Refinement is here

    March 7, 2011 🎺 Consider My Words and prepare, for the Day of Refinement is here

  4. March 12, 2011 🎺 Come and fly with Me... Make Me your one and only consuming Passion

    March 12, 2011 🎺 Come and fly with Me... Make Me your one and only consuming Passion

  5. March 19, 2011 🎺 My Predestination ... I do with My Children as I please...Trumpet Call of God

    March 19, 2011 🎺 My Predestination ... I do with My Children as I please...Trumpet Call of God

  6. March 26, 2011 🎺 The Lord says... The Latter Rain is poured out, yet who is thirsty?

    March 26, 2011 🎺 The Lord says... The Latter Rain is poured out, yet who is thirsty?

  7. April 4, 2011 🎺 True Faith and Trust... Not one Word of My Prophets will fall to the Ground

    April 4, 2011 🎺 True Faith and Trust... Not one Word of My Prophets will fall to the Ground

  8. April 11, 2011 🎺 Deliverance of the First Election... Then My Judgments upon the Nations be poured out

    April 11, 2011 🎺 Deliverance of the First Election... Then My Judgments upon the Nations be poured out

  9. April 18, 2011 🎺 Shout His Name... Put all your Trust in the Holy One

    April 18, 2011 🎺 Shout His Name... Put all your Trust in the Holy One

  10. April 18, 2011 🎺 A Wellspring of Love, wherein broken Wings are healed and prepared for Flight

    April 18, 2011 🎺 A Wellspring of Love, wherein broken Wings are healed and prepared for Flight

  11. April 25, 2011 🎺 The Lord says... I know My Own and these Letters are Mine

    April 25, 2011 🎺 The Lord says... I know My Own and these Letters are Mine

  12. April 25, 2011 🎺 You have hated Me!… Thus you have been cut off and will surely die

    April 25, 2011 🎺 You have hated Me!… Thus you have been cut off and will surely die

  13. April 29, 2011 🎺 My Word is subject to no Man and it doesn’t need Man’s Approval

    April 29, 2011 🎺 My Word is subject to no Man and it doesn’t need Man’s Approval

  14. May 2, 2011 🎺 All shall hear My Word and My Voice shall resound

    May 2, 2011 🎺 All shall hear My Word and My Voice shall resound

  15. May 23, 2011 🎺 I have set you apart as Rocks of Offense... Says the Lord

    May 23, 2011 🎺 I have set you apart as Rocks of Offense... Says the Lord

  16. May 30, 2011 🎺 Jesus asks... Do you delight in My Ways?… Are you wise or foolish?

    May 30, 2011 🎺 Jesus asks... Do you delight in My Ways?… Are you wise or foolish?

  17. June 6, 2011 🎺 Pentecost has been fulfilled!...It has passed them by unawares

    June 6, 2011 🎺 Pentecost has been fulfilled!...It has passed them by unawares

  18. June 7, 2011 🎺 Wisdom is justified by her Children… You must choose!

    June 7, 2011 🎺 Wisdom is justified by her Children… You must choose!

  19. Dec 1, 2010 🎺 I know My Sheep and My Ways are Life for all who walk in them

    Dec 1, 2010 🎺 I know My Sheep and My Ways are Life for all who walk in them

  20. Nov 30, 2010 🎺 Jesus says... Remember Me and let Me kiss you upon your Forehead

    Nov 30, 2010 🎺 Jesus says... Remember Me and let Me kiss you upon your Forehead

  21. Dec 11, 2010 🎺 Flee Foolishness... What is most needful ?... Do not resist My Words

    Dec 11, 2010 🎺 Flee Foolishness... What is most needful ?... Do not resist My Words
