ETYMOLOGY, THE ROOT MEANING OF WORDS “mischief” - c. 1300, "evil condition, wickedness, wrongdoing, evil," harm, trouble; “vexation" from meschever "come or bring to grief, (Meaning "harm or evil” "playful malice”
Even Though Biden Is Evil, Biden Was Correct When He Called Trump Supporters Garbage, My Article Revisited On Why Jesus Is So Angry with the USA, The 8 Revivals of Yah's Mercy For The USA, Judgment Is Coming, Get Ready!
ETYMOLOGY, THE ROOT MEANING OF WORDS “thug” - 1810, "member of a gang of murderers & robbers who strangled their victims," from thak "cheat, swindler," "cunning, fraudulent," 🕎Jeremiah 5;25-28 KJV
Shabbat Bible Study: Jeremiah 9 -- Woe Unto The USA & Canada - A Land Full of Hypocritical Backsliders & Evil Doers -- Even The So Called Christians & Churches Are A STENCH in Yah's Nostrils!!!!!