What is the 2nd Wave of Volunteers/Starseeds Like? — Dolores Cannon | WE in 5D: The 2nd Wave is Me. And is Probably the Wave Earth Has the Most Quantity of at the Moment.
Bad News (Hopefully Turns Good): Reiner Fuëllmich's 2nd Nuremberg Project Exposing Covid as the First Step Towards the Collapse of Society to Make Society Dependent on Illuminati Institutions Has Been Set Up, Making for an Illegal Arrest!
BREAKING: California Sheriff Chad Bianco Revolts Against Newsom, Gives Warning to Californians! | WE in 5D: Former FBI / Ex-Military David Baumblatt DID Say America First Will Turn into State First. Remember, Sheriffs Have Tremendous Power!
Pendulums, Will There Be Cops in 5D?, Are You Changing the World —OR— Are You Shifting to a Preferred World/Reality?.. and Much More! | Channeled Answers for a Client
Josh Homme Talks Esther Hicks and The Law of Attraction on the "Joe Rogan Experience" | WE in 5D: This Clip Can Be Renamed the Josh Homme Experience, Because Joe?.. Just Like with Politics Previously, is Often Late to Get with the Program..
Abraham Hicks—The Physical (Human) Experience IS the Leading Edge.. So Why Did Jerry Leave (Die) Now, and How is This Perfect for His (and Our) Expansion and Joy?
SOB Croaks! (2/26/24) | WE in 5D: There is No TRUE Death, Thus From My [Objective 3D-"Play"-Detached Perspective] My Use of the Term "SOB" is Just My Limited Participation (as I see Fit or Sometimes Affordable) in This Play!
Abraham Hicks—When You Can NO LONGER Change the Immediate Timeline (AKA a Locked Timeline), But CAN Create a Soothing Experience Through it AND THEN Manifest a New Positive Timeline to Follow!