1. Steve Cioccolanti | Who Is Yuval Noah Harari? | Revelation 16:12-14 | Why Did the Kings of the East (China & Russia) Team Up While Euphrates Dried Up & The False Prophet Showed Up? + Israel, Hamas, Gaza, Hezbollah, Syria, Russia & China

    Steve Cioccolanti | Who Is Yuval Noah Harari? | Revelation 16:12-14 | Why Did the Kings of the East (China & Russia) Team Up While Euphrates Dried Up & The False Prophet Showed Up? + Israel, Hamas, Gaza, Hezbollah, Syria, Russia & China

  2. Dollar Collapse | "They Will Dump Dollars And Buy Anything And When Those Dollars Hit Our Shores They Create Hyperinflation." - Andy Schectman (December 5th 2023) + Who Is Lael Brainard? What Is FEDNow? Are CBDCs Around the Corner?

    Dollar Collapse | "They Will Dump Dollars And Buy Anything And When Those Dollars Hit Our Shores They Create Hyperinflation." - Andy Schectman (December 5th 2023) + Who Is Lael Brainard? What Is FEDNow? Are CBDCs Around the Corner?

  3. Kash Patel | Kash Patel Unpacks the Mind-Blowing Details Found In His New Book Government Gangsters While Naming Names, Exposing the Corruption & Laying Out a Winning Strategy to Make America Great Again! + BRICS to Impact Your Money

    Kash Patel | Kash Patel Unpacks the Mind-Blowing Details Found In His New Book Government Gangsters While Naming Names, Exposing the Corruption & Laying Out a Winning Strategy to Make America Great Again! + BRICS to Impact Your Money

  4. Dr. Stella Immanuel | Pneumonia | Is A Massive Attack On Our Health & Wealth Around the Corner? Hospitals In Ohio & Mass Tracking Surge of Pneumonia Cases & China." - News Nation + FDA Approves First CRISPR / Gene Therapies to Treat Patie

    Dr. Stella Immanuel | Pneumonia | Is A Massive Attack On Our Health & Wealth Around the Corner? Hospitals In Ohio & Mass Tracking Surge of Pneumonia Cases & China." - News Nation + FDA Approves First CRISPR / Gene Therapies to Treat Patie

  5. Elon Musk | Why Do Elon Musk, Yuval Noah Harari & Klaus Schwab Agree On Transhumanism, mRNA Technology, Universal Basic Income, Brain-Computer Interfaces, A.I., Humans Becoming Useless, Self-Driving Cars, Carbon Footprint Trackers, Etc?

    Elon Musk | Why Do Elon Musk, Yuval Noah Harari & Klaus Schwab Agree On Transhumanism, mRNA Technology, Universal Basic Income, Brain-Computer Interfaces, A.I., Humans Becoming Useless, Self-Driving Cars, Carbon Footprint Trackers, Etc?

  6. Elon Musk & Yuval Noah Harari | PROBLEM = "The Woke Mind Virus Is Communism Rebranded." - Elon Musk + SOLUTION = "To Prepare For This Kind of World Which Is Coming Sooner Than Most People Realize, We Need An Antivirus For The Brain.&quo

    Elon Musk & Yuval Noah Harari | PROBLEM = "The Woke Mind Virus Is Communism Rebranded." - Elon Musk + SOLUTION = "To Prepare For This Kind of World Which Is Coming Sooner Than Most People Realize, We Need An Antivirus For The Brain.&quo

  7. Gold | How Liquid Is Gold? “I Don’t Save Cash, I Save Gold & Silver.” - Robert Kiyosaki + Robert Kiyosaki Shares 7 Reasons to Buy Gold Now + Why Was Gold Re-Categorized As a Tier One Asset? Why Are the World’s Central Banks Hoarding Gold?

    Gold | How Liquid Is Gold? “I Don’t Save Cash, I Save Gold & Silver.” - Robert Kiyosaki + Robert Kiyosaki Shares 7 Reasons to Buy Gold Now + Why Was Gold Re-Categorized As a Tier One Asset? Why Are the World’s Central Banks Hoarding Gold?

  8. Roger Stone | The Persecution of Trump Associates? | What Is Happening With Sidney Powell (Age 68), Jenna Ellis (Age 38) & Mark Meadows (Age 64)? "All That Will Live Godly In Christ Jesus Shall Suffer Persecution." - 2 Timothy 3:12

    Roger Stone | The Persecution of Trump Associates? | What Is Happening With Sidney Powell (Age 68), Jenna Ellis (Age 38) & Mark Meadows (Age 64)? "All That Will Live Godly In Christ Jesus Shall Suffer Persecution." - 2 Timothy 3:12

  9. ReAwaken America Tour | 398 Tix Remain for Dec. 15-16 Tulare, CA!!! + Elon Musk's Neuralink? "Imagine Browsing the Web Or Playing Games Using Only Your Thoughts,Made Possible By Placing a Small Cosmetically Invisible Implant Into Your Brain.&quo

    ReAwaken America Tour | 398 Tix Remain for Dec. 15-16 Tulare, CA!!! + Elon Musk's Neuralink? "Imagine Browsing the Web Or Playing Games Using Only Your Thoughts,Made Possible By Placing a Small Cosmetically Invisible Implant Into Your Brain.&quo

  10. Elon Musk | "One of My Sons Has Trouble Making Friends Actually. An A.I. Friend Would Actually Be Great for Him." - Elon Musk + "Now That We Realize That Our Brains Can Be Hacked We Need an Anti-Virus for the Brain." - Yuval Harari

    Elon Musk | "One of My Sons Has Trouble Making Friends Actually. An A.I. Friend Would Actually Be Great for Him." - Elon Musk + "Now That We Realize That Our Brains Can Be Hacked We Need an Anti-Virus for the Brain." - Yuval Harari

  11. Elon Musk | "There Will Come a Point Where No Job Is Needed. Then A.I. Will Be Able to Do Everything. We Won't Have Universal Basic Income. We Will Have UNIVERSAL HIGH INCOME." - Elon Musk | "A.I. Is the Fastest Path to Communism.&quo

    Elon Musk | "There Will Come a Point Where No Job Is Needed. Then A.I. Will Be Able to Do Everything. We Won't Have Universal Basic Income. We Will Have UNIVERSAL HIGH INCOME." - Elon Musk | "A.I. Is the Fastest Path to Communism.&quo

  12. Elon Musk & Rishi Sunak | Why Is Elon Musk Advocating for Carbon Taxes, Universal Basic Income, mRNA Shots, Transhumanism & Central Bank Digital Currencies? Who Is Elon Musk? “There Will Come a Time When No Job Is Needed.” - Elon Musk

    Elon Musk & Rishi Sunak | Why Is Elon Musk Advocating for Carbon Taxes, Universal Basic Income, mRNA Shots, Transhumanism & Central Bank Digital Currencies? Who Is Elon Musk? “There Will Come a Time When No Job Is Needed.” - Elon Musk

  13. ReAwaken Tour Documentary | Watch the Great Reset vs. the Great ReAwakening Documentary for FREE TONIGHT Featuring: General Flynn, Mike Lindell, Mel K, & Team America At: TimeToFreeAmerica.com + 491 Tickets Remain for Tulare (Dec. 15-16)

    ReAwaken Tour Documentary | Watch the Great Reset vs. the Great ReAwakening Documentary for FREE TONIGHT Featuring: General Flynn, Mike Lindell, Mel K, & Team America At: TimeToFreeAmerica.com + 491 Tickets Remain for Tulare (Dec. 15-16)

  14. Mike Lindell | Mike Lindell & Clay Clark Share Their 3-Year Journey Together On Mission to Save America from The Great Reset Agenda: Being De-Banked, Being Canceled By Media, Having Countless Venues & Vendors Cancel Them, Law-Fare & More

    Mike Lindell | Mike Lindell & Clay Clark Share Their 3-Year Journey Together On Mission to Save America from The Great Reset Agenda: Being De-Banked, Being Canceled By Media, Having Countless Venues & Vendors Cancel Them, Law-Fare & More
