BRICS | Is BRICS Finding Their Feet? Why Do 81.5% of the Earth's Countries Have One Foot Out the Door When It Comes to the U.S. Dollar? Is World Getting Gold Feet About U.S. Dollar? Will U.S. Dollar Land On Its Feet?
BRICS | Bank of America Issues Warning of a U.S. Dollar Collapse + "U.S. Dollar Death Spiral ‘Crisis’ Fears Grow After Bank Of America Issues Shocking $1 TRILLION Every 100 Days"
Dollar Collapse | "Even the U.S. Allies Are Now Downsizing Their Dollar Reserves." - Russian President Vladimir Putin + Will BRICS Accelerate Launch of Their Financial System Following Seizure of Russian Assets & Sanctions?!
GOLD | Dodd Frank Act Bail-Ins - Dollar Collapse | "Deposits Are At Risk of a Bail-In Which Has Been Sanctioned By the Dodd-Frank Act of 2010." - Makori
GOLD | DeDollarization | Gold Just Hit Another All-Time High!!! Now, Will the U.S. Dollar Die? "U.S. Debt Rising By $1 Trillion Every 3 Months & U.S. Interest Expense Is Rising By $100 Billion Every 4 MOnths" - Zero Hedge 3/28/24