General Flynn Weekly Updates: Trump Versus CNN & Biden Debate, Trump’s VP Pick, + Dollar Collapse As World Returns to Gold Standard + "We Will Work to Liberate Countries from Western Hegemony.” - Russia Foreign Minister
Bitcoin | Does Bitcoin Rely On Highly Centralized Energy Companies & Internet Infrastructure? "It's Held In Very Few Hands. Most of the Internet Itself, the Essential Infrastructure of It Is 13 Servers Around the World." - Whitney Webb
Acting | The Ultimate DEEP DIVE Into the World of Hollywood + What Is the Purpose of Hollywood? Who Is Dionysus? "It's Very Spiritual What We Do. You Are Allowing This Character Using Your Body As a Vessel." - Tarji Henson
BRICS | "13 New Nations Have Been Accepted As Official Partner States of BRICS." - Petrova CPA + "(Losing Dollar As World's Reserve Currency Status) It's Worse Than Losing Any War." - Trump + Will Gold Hit $27,000 Per Ounce
April 8th 2024 | NASA to Launch "Serpent Deity" ON April 8th, NASA Means to Beguile, to Deceive In Hebrew, CERN to Test World's Most Powerful Particle Accelerator On April 8th & Billions of Cicidas Emerging & Red Heifers In Israel!!
Project Blue Beam | "I Occasionally Think How Quickly Our Differences World Wide Would Vanish If We Were Facing An Alien Threat from Outside of This World." - President Ronald Reagan + Dr. John Trump Explores Tesla's
Yuval Noah Harari | "Part of the Problem With All of These Conspiracy Theories We See Flooding the World. They Tell People Do Your Own Research." + "COVID, This Is What Causes People to Accept Total Biometric Surveillance."
Joe Rogan & Donald J. Trump Interview Highlights | "I Don't Know of Anybody That Wants Open Borders. Nobody Has Ever Come Up to Me & Said President You've Gotta Let the World Come Into Our Country!"
Yuval Noah Harari | "Some of the Most Powerful People In the World Used to Be News Editors. Like Lenin Before He Was Dictator of Soviet Union, His One Job Was Editor of a Newspaper. Mussolini, He Was Editor of a Newspaper."
COVID-19 Vaccines | “The Pandemic Was Used As a False Pretext By the World Health Organization to Drive Vaccinations of All Peoples In the World." - Prof Masayasu Inoue, Professor Emeritus of Osaka City University Medical School