RAW 15 Second Footage of Trump Fandom in Harlem, NY.. Note Some UNHAPPY Cops! | WE in 5D: I Used to Teach Yoga Right There Next to the Romantic Depot—JUST KIDDIIIIING! But Pretty Near Nonetheless. See Yoga Video in Description Below.
Unless for Research Purposes STOP fu"Q"ing with Your OWN Psyche; Never Mind the British People! This “Q” Mental Gymnastics is Not 5D Chess, But an Insult to Your Consciousness. Qtards, Unsub From This Channel.
SHOT HEARD ROUND THE WORLD (A Tad Embarrassing)—President Bukele of El Salvador Warns YOU of George Soros and Satanic Rituals, TAXES and Fake Money, and Advises: FIGHT! 3rd World Country Prez. I Though You Were Supposed to Warn Them. | Alex Jones