3 months ago'Corona Virus' & The 'U.N' '2030 Agenda' CONNECTION. 'EMF' '5G' '60GHZ' Vaccine ID2020 The War Against You ExplainedAndreCorbeilVerified
3 months agoAgenda 2030, EMF Weapons, Fake Viruses, Dumbed Down Society! Fake Election, Joe Imbriano 🎯See Desc🎯AetherMedia22 Tony Punch
1 month agoDr Tom Cowan: Does the NON Existing HPV (Human 'Papilloma Virus') Cause Cervical Cancer?Biological Medicine
5 months agoDr Kelly Brogan ft Christine Hassler: Does 'Viruses' Exists and What is a Dis-'eases'!KimOsboel
8 months agoNew International Pedophile UN, WHO & WEF Laws For 'VIRUS' 'Disease Surveillance' PLAN-DEMICS!KimOsboel
2 months agoFake Bird Flu Psychosis Is Spreading! Viruses Dont Exist! Sheeple Want Shots & Swab Tests!🎯👀DESC🎯AetherMedia22 Tony Punch
11 months agoDr Tom Cowan ft Alec Zeck: Has any 'Virus' EVER been 'isolated' and Exists? [31.03.2024]KimOsboel
4 months agoThey want to hack our bioelectric system using synthetically bio-coded virusesFree Your Mind Videos
1 month agoDr Tom Cowan: Does the NON Existing HPV (Human 'Papilloma Virus') Cause Cervical Cancer?KimOsboel
1 month agoChronic Viruses Like HIV can Get Stuck in Your Lymphatic System FOREVER!JamesDestroyDiseases
6 months agoBarbara O'Neill (Australia) Do 'VIRUSES' Exist (NO) And What Is Dis-Ease! ⛔SEE DESC⛔AetherMedia22 Tony Punch