They Really Think You Are Stupid And Won't Figure It Out For Yourself! Infact Their Bank Account$ Rely On You Not Figuring It Out For Yourself! #StopTheGrift
On todays episode of Sabrina and nonvaxer420 were correct ~ SynBio for Human Health: Making Biology Easier to Engineer with Jason Kelly at SynBioBeta 2023
They are still telling eachother that its the "mark of the beast" and "moderna gave them a demon field" in the form of a "Bioweapon" this is why education & Terminologies are so very important!
Give the gift of truth this year with A wonderful digital Video Christmas card send it to your family & friends who you tried to warn but still went ahead and took the Jabs anyways Merry Christmas 🎅 🎄 We Were Right All Along! #Nonvaxer420