1. Aaron SMITH-LEVIN doesn't care about Sea Org members or Scientologists leaving Scientology.

    Aaron SMITH-LEVIN doesn't care about Sea Org members or Scientologists leaving Scientology.

  2. SWS will be able to remote-control you to serve the NWO Agenda

    SWS will be able to remote-control you to serve the NWO Agenda

  3. Leah Remini and her Troublemakers Part 7 – Mike Rinder self-created Myth

    Leah Remini and her Troublemakers Part 7 – Mike Rinder self-created Myth

  4. Going Clear, Part 15 – Paul Haggis phony narrative

    Going Clear, Part 15 – Paul Haggis phony narrative

  5. Going Clear, Part 7 Wright: No credibility? No problem as long as you are anti-Scientology

    Going Clear, Part 7 Wright: No credibility? No problem as long as you are anti-Scientology

  6. Leah Remini and her Troublemakers 1 – For-profit Troll Farm Operators. Remini, Rinder, and Orteg

    Leah Remini and her Troublemakers 1 – For-profit Troll Farm Operators. Remini, Rinder, and Orteg

  7. Leah Remini and her Troublemakers Part 9 – Rinder abandons his children: Remini dissembles to cov

    Leah Remini and her Troublemakers Part 9 – Rinder abandons his children: Remini dissembles to cov

  8. Leah Remini and her Troublemakers Part 13 – Tom Devocht phony narrative

    Leah Remini and her Troublemakers Part 13 – Tom Devocht phony narrative

  9. The Movie "Arcadian" Is Predictive Programming: Suggesting Brainchipzombies Are From Disease-X

    The Movie "Arcadian" Is Predictive Programming: Suggesting Brainchipzombies Are From Disease-X

  10. Brainchipzombies are NOT Demon-Possessed, they are brainchipped and Remote-Controlled

    Brainchipzombies are NOT Demon-Possessed, they are brainchipped and Remote-Controlled

  11. Going Clear, Part 12 – IRS, Wright fact inventions and joining sides

    Going Clear, Part 12 – IRS, Wright fact inventions and joining sides

  12. Leah Remini and her Troublemakers Part 14 – Jeff Hawkins (King of Karens); inventions

    Leah Remini and her Troublemakers Part 14 – Jeff Hawkins (King of Karens); inventions

  13. Going Clear, Part 8 More Questionable Sources of Wright

    Going Clear, Part 8 More Questionable Sources of Wright
