8 months agoYou Told Me Your Sins, and Now I Forgive You *Beautiful Butterfly* (Jun 24, 2024)Unravel What God Has For You
4 months agoSurprise them with your ambush— catch them in the very trap they set, the disaster they planned for me.+msg-psalms-35RTG RADIO TV
4 months agoETYMOLOGY, THE ROOT MEANING OF WORDS “haughty” - "proud and disdainful," 1520s, a redundant extension of haught (q.v.) "high in one's own estimation" arrogant; presumptuous" 🕎Isaiah 3:16-24 KJVRoyaltyLordPrinceShamiyah144
7 months agoTouch Not My Anointed! 7-2-24@6:28pm Shared 7-4-24Prophetic Dreams and Visions from my lovely Jesus