1. 10ProvenStrategies to Counteract Pressure toWithdraw Treatment in ICU Without Patient/Family Consent

    10ProvenStrategies to Counteract Pressure toWithdraw Treatment in ICU Without Patient/Family Consent

  2. Should You Go Into Family Meetings With Intensive Care Teams When You Have a Loved One in ICU?

    Should You Go Into Family Meetings With Intensive Care Teams When You Have a Loved One in ICU?

  3. My 66-Year-Old Dad Has Diabetes, Stroke & Parkinson's and is in ICU with a Trache. Can He Go Home?

    My 66-Year-Old Dad Has Diabetes, Stroke & Parkinson's and is in ICU with a Trache. Can He Go Home?

  4. Husband’s Been in ICU for 6 weeks, Ventilated & Trachea! I Want Him Home with Intensive Care at Home

    Husband’s Been in ICU for 6 weeks, Ventilated & Trachea! I Want Him Home with Intensive Care at Home

  5. My Dad’s Prognosis Is Poor According To The Doctor But Who Is Really Directing His Care? Help!

    My Dad’s Prognosis Is Poor According To The Doctor But Who Is Really Directing His Care? Help!

  6. How Long Can Patient Be on BiPAP Before Needing Intubation (Breathing Tube) & Ask Me Anything! Live!

    How Long Can Patient Be on BiPAP Before Needing Intubation (Breathing Tube) & Ask Me Anything! Live!

  7. Wikipedia Page Confirms that LTAC's in the US are Not Fit for Purpose for Ventilated ICU Patients!

    Wikipedia Page Confirms that LTAC's in the US are Not Fit for Purpose for Ventilated ICU Patients!

  8. Should the Tracheostomy Cuff be Inflated for CPAP Mode for a Client at Home?

    Should the Tracheostomy Cuff be Inflated for CPAP Mode for a Client at Home?

  9. Why Does a Critically Ill Patient in ICU Need Fentanyl for Re-Intubation and Ventilation After TBI?

    Why Does a Critically Ill Patient in ICU Need Fentanyl for Re-Intubation and Ventilation After TBI?

  10. Does a Tracheostomy Effect the Brain? Quick Tip for Families in Intensive Care!

    Does a Tracheostomy Effect the Brain? Quick Tip for Families in Intensive Care!

  11. How to Get a Patient Back from LTAC to ICU with a Medical Record Review! Another Success Story!

    How to Get a Patient Back from LTAC to ICU with a Medical Record Review! Another Success Story!

  12. Quick Tip for Families in ICU: Should You Go to LTAC from ICU with Ventilation/Tracheostomy?

    Quick Tip for Families in ICU: Should You Go to LTAC from ICU with Ventilation/Tracheostomy?

  13. Quick Tip for Families in ICU: Question Everything When Your Loved One is Ventilated in ICU!

    Quick Tip for Families in ICU: Question Everything When Your Loved One is Ventilated in ICU!

  14. My 90-Year-Old Mother's Been in ICU for 5 Months!Ventilation&Tracheostomy&Dialysis,Can She Go Home?

    My 90-Year-Old Mother's Been in ICU for 5 Months!Ventilation&Tracheostomy&Dialysis,Can She Go Home?

  15. My Daughter is in in Intensive Care and They have Refused to Show me the Medical Records

    My Daughter is in in Intensive Care and They have Refused to Show me the Medical Records

  16. Quick Tip for Families in ICU: Should You Stop Treatment if Your Loved One's in Multiorgan Failure?

    Quick Tip for Families in ICU: Should You Stop Treatment if Your Loved One's in Multiorgan Failure?

  17. Quick Tip for Families in ICU: What Questions You Need to Ask When You Have a Loved One in ICU!

    Quick Tip for Families in ICU: What Questions You Need to Ask When You Have a Loved One in ICU!

  18. Quick Tip for Families in ICU: My Husband’s Not Waking Up After Open Heart Surgery! Help!

    Quick Tip for Families in ICU: My Husband’s Not Waking Up After Open Heart Surgery! Help!

  19. Dad Left ICU with Trache, no ICU Nurses,&Got Readmitted. Can He Go Home with Intensive Care at Home?

    Dad Left ICU with Trache, no ICU Nurses,&Got Readmitted. Can He Go Home with Intensive Care at Home?

  20. Case Study: How We Successfully Advocated to Extubate a Patient in ICU and Avoid a Tracheostomy!

    Case Study: How We Successfully Advocated to Extubate a Patient in ICU and Avoid a Tracheostomy!

  21. How Much Does it Cost to Bring a Patient on Life Support Home and be Cared for at Home?

    How Much Does it Cost to Bring a Patient on Life Support Home and be Cared for at Home?

  22. Patrik Hutzel from intensivecarehotline.com Featuring Scott Schara. Live Stream!

    Patrik Hutzel from intensivecarehotline.com Featuring Scott Schara. Live Stream!
