CLIMATE CHANGE_ The Lies that Threaten Life on Earth - Larry Ballard; Is the American Dream Dead_ Personal Savings are at a Lowest EVER! - Dr. Kirk Elliott _ FOC Show
Will Witt's Conservative Judo Talking Points; Is Taylor Swift a Witch? - Isaiah Robin; Missouri's Next Governor Raises the Bar! - Senator Bill Eigel; A Miraculous Death to Life Story! - Kyle Shirley | FOC Show
ROBIN D. BULLOCK | A Tale of 2 Kings: Breaking the Witchcraft over our Nation; This has Warning Signs All Over It! The Banks are NOT on Solid Footing. - Dr. Kirk Elliott | FOC Show
Pro-Life Advocate Facing 41 Months in Prison: Courageous Stand for Life and Faith - Bevelyn Beatty Williams; U.S. Debt Crisis Hits New High – Can It Be Fixed? - Dr. Kirk Elliott | FOC Show
The Fight for Minnesota: Illegal Voting and Tim Walz’s Radical Agenda - Sen. Eric Lucero & Rep. Walter Hudson; Economic Update - Dr. Kirk Elliott | FOC Show