ETYMOLOGY, THE ROOT MEANING OF WORDS “gentile” - "one who is not a Israelite," c. 1400; (late 14c.), gentilis "of the same family. belonging to the same nation. fellow countrymen, kinsmen," but also "foreigners”
mRNA is a class one carcinogen -- Today, on behalf of my professional friends and medical colleagues, I declare the mRNA vaccines to be class one carcinogens. mRNA is also a broad-spectrum mutagen. mRNA must be banned internationally. IAN BRIGHTHOPE
ETYMOLOGY, THE ROOT MEANING OF WORDS “damsel” - early 13c., damisele, "young, unmarried woman," especially a maiden of gentle birth, also "maid in waiting, handmaiden," from Anglo-French damaisele "woman of noble birth"
( -0740 ) They All Lied About The Window - Obvious Prosecutable Obstruction & Criminal Negligence - Also Judge Brown - Kamala's a Chameleon For Her Puppet Masters - Hilarious!