Classmate of Trump Assassin Confirms He Was Brainwashed by Media To Hate Trump/“There Should be a Lot of Blood” — Photos and ER Trauma Surgeon Claims Trump Rally Sniper Body is Missing Massive Bloodsprays/Donald Trump’s Eldest Granddaughter Makes
Arthur Engoron Arrested!/ The Great Lou Dobbs Has Passed Away/Far-Left Streamer Destiny PROMOTES KILLING TRUMP SUPPORTERS /Widespread “IT Outages” Reported Across the Globe /Whistleblowers Say Most of Trump Security Working Rally Were Not Even Secret
DS Concocting Conspiracy Theories to Blame Pres Trump for the Attempt on His Own Life/“I’ve Been to Every Trump Rally, They Left a Clear Line-of-Sight to Kill Trump” /Corey Comperatore’s Widow Refused Biden’s Call After Trump Attempted Assassina