1. Is what Wang Yi said part of the CCP’s plan to eliminate white people, as revealed by Mr. Miles Guo?

    Is what Wang Yi said part of the CCP’s plan to eliminate white people, as revealed by Mr. Miles Guo?

  2. Why do the governments of both aisles in the US fail to compel the CCP to repay the debt?

    Why do the governments of both aisles in the US fail to compel the CCP to repay the debt?

  3. We must stop the Trojan horse that the CCP has set up in the US by exposing the American sellouts!

    We must stop the Trojan horse that the CCP has set up in the US by exposing the American sellouts!

  4. Investment in CCP and human rights protection are mutually exclusive

    Investment in CCP and human rights protection are mutually exclusive

  5. Jin Canrong: Practical actions will be taken against the U.S. beyond verbal protests

    Jin Canrong: Practical actions will be taken against the U.S. beyond verbal protests

  6. Is Xi Jinping's inspection of the Eastern Theater Command laying the groundwork for invading Taiwan?

    Is Xi Jinping's inspection of the Eastern Theater Command laying the groundwork for invading Taiwan?

  7. Congress should not renew the expiring U.S.-China Agreement on Cooperation in Science and Technology

    Congress should not renew the expiring U.S.-China Agreement on Cooperation in Science and Technology

  8. Yellen's visit to Communist China reminds people of Henry Kissinger's visit in the 1970s

    Yellen's visit to Communist China reminds people of Henry Kissinger's visit in the 1970s

  9. Andersen stated the lab leak theory potentially harm science and international harmony

    Andersen stated the lab leak theory potentially harm science and international harmony

  10. The CCP leadership is trying to lure more foreign investment into Communist China

    The CCP leadership is trying to lure more foreign investment into Communist China

  11. American sellouts colluding with the CCP and betraying the American people must be rooted out

    American sellouts colluding with the CCP and betraying the American people must be rooted out

  12. We need whistleblowers like Miles Guo to step forward!

    We need whistleblowers like Miles Guo to step forward!

  13. The US is probably just a couple of years away from being a country ruled by the CCP

    The US is probably just a couple of years away from being a country ruled by the CCP

  14. Fauci and Collins used the authors of "Proximal Origin" as tools to undermine the lab leak theory

    Fauci and Collins used the authors of "Proximal Origin" as tools to undermine the lab leak theory

  15. Why did the CCP put their top biological weapons experts in charge of containment?

    Why did the CCP put their top biological weapons experts in charge of containment?

  16. Miles Guo is the biggest whistleblower against a powerful collusion

    Miles Guo is the biggest whistleblower against a powerful collusion

  17. If the CCP's evil ideology isn't eliminated from the US, America will fall into the hands of the CCP

    If the CCP's evil ideology isn't eliminated from the US, America will fall into the hands of the CCP

  18. The American and Chinese people should unite and fight the CCP

    The American and Chinese people should unite and fight the CCP

  19. The U.S. refuses to acknowledge that it is at war with the CCP, which plays into the CCP's favor

    The U.S. refuses to acknowledge that it is at war with the CCP, which plays into the CCP's favor

  20. 中共利用那些他们培养和招募的代理人在美国对郭文贵先生进行司法超限战迫害行动。包括马云,吴征,单伟建,刘特佐。


  21. 在中国,政治权力高于一切。没有法治。相反,中国是以法统治,中共凌驾于法律之上,而习近平则是凌驾于中共和国家之上的现代皇帝。


  22. The CCP paid about $30 billion dollar every year to American lawyers

    The CCP paid about $30 billion dollar every year to American lawyers

  23. Hold Sell-Outs Accountable to Prevent America from Repeating Its Mistakes

    Hold Sell-Outs Accountable to Prevent America from Repeating Its Mistakes
