7 months ago#Trust! - This Is For You "MOM" Don't Just Listen But Actually Hear The Words In The First 5 Songs! - THEN FOLLOW THE PROVIDED VIDEO DATA & LINKS BELOW!!! GO 👂 & 👀 & USE YOUR 🧠nonvaxer420
7 months agoIEEE: 6G Internet of Bio-Nano Things (IoBNT): A journey from Science Fiction To Reality July 6, 2024nonvaxer420
7 months agoWho is Messing with Your Digital Twin? Body, Mind, and Soul for Sale? | Dirk Helbing | TEDxIHEID 2022nonvaxer420
7 months agoScience. Gov Open Science & Public Access Sample records for bio nano conferencesnonvaxer420
6 months agoFuturistic CRISPR-based biosensing in the cloud and internet of things era: an overview - PMC 2020nonvaxer420
7 months agoI don't think we have any values left." (B2B, CPS, GIG) - Human Augmentation The Dawn Of A New PARADIGM NATOnonvaxer420
7 months agoRouting through your tissue professionally - FDA & FCC ~ 2015 and MBAN To 6G 2024nonvaxer420
6 months agoThe more you FRAUDS continue to sell shit - The more we will continue to Educate!nonvaxer420
8 months agoAs mind-reading technology improves, Colorado passes law to protect privacy of our thoughts - CBS COLORADO June 26, 2024nonvaxer420
8 months agoAI & SYNBIO: The Promise and Challenges of Decentralization in Achieving Beneficial AGI With Charles Hoskinson - 2024 SingularityNET #Convergencenonvaxer420
8 months agoTalk by Prof Ian F Akyildiz ITU on 6G and Beyond The Future of Wireless Communications Systems IMT-2030nonvaxer420
8 months agoNNI-MIT nanoTube: How can nanotechnology help us improve the health and safety of the environment and ourselves? 2016nonvaxer420
8 months agoGinkgo Bioworks CEO: Our AI model will learn to speak DNA just like ChatGPT learned English - CNBC September 1, 2023nonvaxer420
8 months agoSingularityNET: Bridging Biological and Artificial Trust Systems | Deep Interview with Erik Schoppen June 28, 2024nonvaxer420
7 months agoTHE "KILL SHOT" 😅 @zeee_media @RealAlexJones @infowars @P_McCulloughMD @kingston_truth @naomirwolf @VaxxCHOICE-DOD @realstewpeters @TLAVagabond @DARPA @IEEEXplore @IEEESpectrum @ITU @NanotechnoWorld @6GWorld @IEEEembsnonvaxer420