5 months agoChaplain's Corner - Zane Beswick - Army Chef - Surviving a Car Crash Through MercyLegacyConversations
10 months agoBorderlands 3 - Zane-T-Klaus (Pt. 19) \\ Mercenary Day Challenge Endgame Fun Begins!!!MSFT__kiLRoy
10 months agoBorderlands 3 - Zane-T-Klaus (Pt. 12) \\ Taking on the Seer Again and Grinding to 72!MSFT__kiLRoy
10 months agoBorderlands 3 - Zane-T-Klaus (Pt. 10) \\ Blackheart King Farming and Clearing Krieg's MindMSFT__kiLRoy
3 months agoZane tried his first fresh oysters and loved it! Freshness by the sea at Tubajon, LaguindinganWonderfulPhilippines
11 months agoBorderlands 3 - Zane-T-Klaus (Pt. 4) \\ Space Lasers and Searching for Another Vault PieceMSFT__kiLRoy
11 months agoBorderlands 3 - Zane-T-Klaus (Pt. 1) \\ The Beginning of Mercenaries Day Celebrations!MSFT__kiLRoy
10 months agoBorderlands 3 - Zane-T-Klaus (Pt. 16) \\ Bloody Harvest & Trial/Slaughters CollectingMSFT__kiLRoy
11 months agoBorderlands 3 - Zane-T-Klaus (Pt. 2) \\ Bringing the Mercenary Day Spirit to PrometheaMSFT__kiLRoy