1. How Long Can You Keep a Critically Ill Patient in Intensive Care in an Induced Coma?

    How Long Can You Keep a Critically Ill Patient in Intensive Care in an Induced Coma?

  2. My Brother Had Cardiac Arrest with Loss of Oxygen to the Brain, He Hasn’t Woken Up for 14Days, Help!

    My Brother Had Cardiac Arrest with Loss of Oxygen to the Brain, He Hasn’t Woken Up for 14Days, Help!

  3. Quick Tip for Families in ICU: My Mom is in ICU & The ICU Team Says She's Brain Dead! Help!

    Quick Tip for Families in ICU: My Mom is in ICU & The ICU Team Says She's Brain Dead! Help!

  4. When Should the Ventilator be Removed in ICU After a Stroke? Quick Tip for Families in ICU!

    When Should the Ventilator be Removed in ICU After a Stroke? Quick Tip for Families in ICU!

  5. Quick Tip For Families In ICU: Giving Mom Time After Stroke and Sedation To See If She’ll Respond!

    Quick Tip For Families In ICU: Giving Mom Time After Stroke and Sedation To See If She’ll Respond!

  6. 10 Reasons Why You Need to Get Access to Medical Records When You Have a Loved One in Intensive Care

    10 Reasons Why You Need to Get Access to Medical Records When You Have a Loved One in Intensive Care

  7. My Wife's in ICU with a Haemorrhagic Stroke for 7 Days Ventilated, Does She Need a Tracheostomy?

    My Wife's in ICU with a Haemorrhagic Stroke for 7 Days Ventilated, Does She Need a Tracheostomy?

  8. My Dad in ICU has a Fighting Chance to Survive but the ICU Team Thinks Otherwise. Help!

    My Dad in ICU has a Fighting Chance to Survive but the ICU Team Thinks Otherwise. Help!

  9. Ask me Anything! Patrik Hutzel from intensivecarehotline.com, Answering Your Questions Live!

    Ask me Anything! Patrik Hutzel from intensivecarehotline.com, Answering Your Questions Live!

  10. Can My Boyfriend have a Tracheostomy on 40% FiO2 and PEEP 5? Live Consulting for Families in ICU!

    Can My Boyfriend have a Tracheostomy on 40% FiO2 and PEEP 5? Live Consulting for Families in ICU!

  11. How to Wean My Dad Off the Ventilator, Inotropes/Vasopressors, and Dialysis

    How to Wean My Dad Off the Ventilator, Inotropes/Vasopressors, and Dialysis

  12. My Brother Gets Exhausted When Breathing Spontaneously with Tracheostomy, Can He Go Back On CPAP/PS?

    My Brother Gets Exhausted When Breathing Spontaneously with Tracheostomy, Can He Go Back On CPAP/PS?

  13. My Mother's in ICU with TBI, Ventilator, Tracheostomy & Dialysis, ICU Wants Her in LTAC, Help!

    My Mother's in ICU with TBI, Ventilator, Tracheostomy & Dialysis, ICU Wants Her in LTAC, Help!

  14. Not Knowing If My Mom is Dying, I Don't Want to Pull the Plug If She Has Chances of Surviving?

    Not Knowing If My Mom is Dying, I Don't Want to Pull the Plug If She Has Chances of Surviving?

  15. Should I Make a Lawsuit Against the ICU Because They Stopped Life Support Without My Consent For Mom

    Should I Make a Lawsuit Against the ICU Because They Stopped Life Support Without My Consent For Mom

  16. The ICU Team Told My Family that I Wouldn't Survive After Cardiac Arrest! My Family Didn't Give Up!

    The ICU Team Told My Family that I Wouldn't Survive After Cardiac Arrest! My Family Didn't Give Up!

  17. Mom Has Gone Back to ICU From LTAC for Low Haemoglobin&Blood Transfusion, How Can I Keep Her in ICU?

    Mom Has Gone Back to ICU From LTAC for Low Haemoglobin&Blood Transfusion, How Can I Keep Her in ICU?

  18. More Evidence Why LTAC's& SNF's in the US Need Avoidance At All Cost for Ventilation & Tracheostomy!

    More Evidence Why LTAC's& SNF's in the US Need Avoidance At All Cost for Ventilation & Tracheostomy!

  19. My Dad Died in ICU Due to Medical Negligence, How Much Do You Charge for a Medical Record Review?

    My Dad Died in ICU Due to Medical Negligence, How Much Do You Charge for a Medical Record Review?

  20. Should My Dad in ICU have the Tracheostomy Removed or Is it Too Early? Quick Tip for Families in ICU

    Should My Dad in ICU have the Tracheostomy Removed or Is it Too Early? Quick Tip for Families in ICU

  21. Ask me Anything! Patrik Hutzel from intensivecarehotline.com, Answering Your Questions Live!

    Ask me Anything! Patrik Hutzel from intensivecarehotline.com, Answering Your Questions Live!
