8 months agoWed 26June24 The David Wed 26Jun24 David Knight Show UNABRIDGED Show UNABRIDGED – With CaptionsThe David Knight Show
8 months ago7/01/24 FREE B_NN_N! RFK Jr Replace Joe! SCOTUS WIN! Dod Warns T-ist Attacks on US EU Basesyouarefreetv
11 months agoHis Excellency Tsar Putin: NATO Airports are Legit Targets if Used for Sorties against Russ Armyteddolbi
2 months agoSOME THINGS NEVER CHANGE: NATO troops in Former Ukraine understand that Eastern Front equals 100% DEATHteddolbi
11 months agoFull interview with FSB director Alexander Bortnikov about Ukraine/ISIS and the terror attacksteddolbi
11 months agoMurdered by Jews: the Food Drops are being Used to Flush out Starving Gazans in order to Shoot Themteddolbi
11 months agow/Johnson CIA and McGovern CIA: ISIS is Creature of US and British intelligence. Col Wilkerson: We did Moscow Crocus Massacre.teddolbi
11 months agow/Col Wilkerson NSA Mil. Intel.: We Planned Then Executed Moscow Crocus Massacre, I know That!teddolbi