BREAKING: California Sheriff Chad Bianco Revolts Against Newsom, Gives Warning to Californians! | WE in 5D: Former FBI / Ex-Military David Baumblatt DID Say America First Will Turn into State First. Remember, Sheriffs Have Tremendous Power!
#HowTo: Democrats Officially Pledge to NOT Certify Trump. What Should We Do in the Face of Unprecedented Tyranny? Alex Tells Cops/Military to STAND ASIDE as Capable Factions of Humanity Execute Their Plans—Those Incapable May Endure the Unfathomable!
What was Left-Leaning Decades Ago is Today Shoved to the Right Simply Because One is Authentic, Not Hallow, and Non-Establishment—Expanding an Umbrella of a New Center/Right. So Be it! | WE in 5D: His Thoughts on Cops/Military #SpotOn 👌🏽
Former FBI and Ex-Military Reveals the Fate of America—IT WILL FALL AND FAIL, But the Phoenix CAN Rise From the Ashes, Removing the U.S. Corporation and Rebuilding America the Republic. | WE in 5D: AT THIS STAGE This is the Bottlenecked Timeline Left.