University of West Florida: Several Sincere Christians Encourage Me & Ask Great Questions/Advice, A Double Minded False Christian Comes Under Conviction, I Rebuke A Hypocrite Toward The End But Overall Lots of Fruitful Conversations
Giant Illuminati Pyramid on RNC Stage, Sikh Prays To False God At RNC, Churches Promote Bible Twisting, False Prophet Brandon Biggs Exposed, JD Vance's Role, The Great Falling Away Has Begun
Predictive Programming In New Film Twisters, Exposing Stew Peters & Dr. Carrie Madej & Melissa Redpill As They Exalt The New Age False Light, Who Are These Palestinians, Are You Ready?
False Flag Terror Attacks Are Being Planned Against Migrant Protests As The Trigger For A Globalist Funded Race-Based Color Revolution Designed To Drive DJT From Office Through Civil War!