ON DEMAND! From- Aug11,'24: Dr. Peter McCullough and Vaccine Injuries with Dr. John Campbell! Remarkable observations about injury and death caused by the Pfizer (et. al) vaccines, by one of the world's greatest cardiologists!
ON DEMAND! From- Oct.10,'24: Covid Vaccine Fraud Injury and Death PART ONE. CDC reports over 3 Million Dead and Injured by Covid-19 Vaccines.. Only PFIZER and MODERNA disagree. Johnson and Johnson pulls the plug on its vax.
OUTAGE! WATCH The Full-Length REMASTERED SHOW, Oct.29,'24: Kamala Marx, her Spies, Lies and Spying. Kamala is George Soros's direct employee "for life", which gets her Kickbacks!
ON DEMAND! From- Oct.3,'24: LBJ- His Crimes- Killing JFK- RFK- Vietnam. Killing 65,000 Americans and 1.5 million Vietnamese with untold seriously injured in Vietnam.