1. Virtues of Charity and Allah Almighty said dont give bad spoiled things in charity.

    Virtues of Charity and Allah Almighty said dont give bad spoiled things in charity.

  2. In which verses of Quran Allah Almighty is said about figs

    In which verses of Quran Allah Almighty is said about figs

  3. In What verses and surah Allah Almighty said about sincere believers?

    In What verses and surah Allah Almighty said about sincere believers?

  4. In which verses of Quran Allah Almighty is said about Honey | Honey of Bee

    In which verses of Quran Allah Almighty is said about Honey | Honey of Bee

  5. What heaven before Allah Almighty created the heavens and the earth was there.?

    What heaven before Allah Almighty created the heavens and the earth was there.?
