ETYMOLOGY, THE ROOT MEANING OF WORDS “Easter” - from Proto-Germanic *austron-, "dawn," also the name of a goddess whose feast was celebrated in Eastermonað (the Anglo-Saxon month corresponding with April). 🕎Ezekiel 8:12-18 KJV
ETYMOLOGY, THE ROOT MEANING OF WORDS “saint” - early 12c. as an adjective, seinte, "holy, divinely inspired, worthy of worship," from Old French saint, seinte “devout," "one of the elect”, set apart to the services of God,”
THE DAUGHTERS OF ZION, BLACKS & BLACK LATINO WOMEN CALLING BLACK MEN INSECURE & CONTROLLING...”dwell with them according to knowledge”🕎Ecclesiasticus 26:1-15 “If thy daughter be shameless, keep her in straitly, overmuch liberty”
GEORGIA GAY COUPLE SENTENCED FOR RAPE OF ADOPTED SONS…“Lest there be any fornicator, or profane person, as Esau, who for one morsel of meat sold his birthright.” 🕎 Job 30;1-16 “whose fathers I would have disdained to have set with the dogs”