THE HEATHEN GENTILES: THE SONS & SEED OF THE WICKED (AMALEK, ESAU EDOM) “Behold, I have made thee small among the heathen, thou art greatly despised” 🕎Zechariah 9:6 “And A bastard shall dwell in Ashdod”
THE SONS & SEED OF THE WICKED (AMALEK, ESAU EDOM) “I will give it into the hands of the strangers for a prey, & to the wicked of the earth for a spoil; & they shall pollute it.” 🕎Zechariah 9:6 “And A bastard shall dwell in Ashdod”
ETYMOLOGY, THE ROOT MEANING OF WORDS “J ” - it is a latecomer to the alphabet and originally had no sound value. The letter itself began as a scribal modification of Roman -i- in continental Medieval Latin.
ETYMOLOGY, THE ROOT MEANING OF WORDS “school” - [place of instruction] Middle English scole, from Old English scol, "institution for instruction," from Latin schola "meeting place for teachers and students;" 🕎John 3;1-15 KJV
WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE, CONVERTS & STOLEN SOMETHING THAT IS NOT YOURS: THE SONS OF THE WICKED (AMALEK, ESAU EDOM) “Surely the least of the flock shall draw them out”🕎 Zechariah 9:6 “And A bastard shall dwell in Ashdod”
THE FATE OF THE 1948er & ALL IDUMEA (TEMAN) :THE SONS OF THE WICKED (AMALEK, ESAU EDOM) “aha even the high places are ours” 🕎 Zechariah 9:6 “And A bastard shall dwell in Ashdod”
IDUMEA “ RED & HAIRY” WAS REJECTED, FOR HE FOUND NO PLACE FOR REPENTANCE: THE SONS OF THE WICKED (AMALEK, ESAU EDOM) “Surely the least of the flock shall draw them out.” 🕎 Zechariah 9:6 “And A bastard shall dwell in Ashdod”
“I will also gather all nations & will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat & will plead with them there for my people & for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations & parted my land”🕎Zechariah 9:6
BLACKS & BLACK LATINO MEN MURDER OVER NEIGHBORHOODS THEY DONT OWN, DYSFUNCTIONAL FATHERLESS HOMES…“And they shall be upon thee for a sign and for a wonder, and upon thy seed”🕎Isaiah 65;1-19 “unto a nation that was not called by my name”
BLACK WOMAN -“WHITE MEN TREAT ME BETTER”….“Why should ye be stricken any more? ye will revolt more and more: the whole head is sick, and the whole heart faint”🕎Micah 7:10 “Then she that is mine enemy shall see it”