8 months agoATF DESTROYED in COURT But Will We Go to Prison Anyways? Does selling a gun make you a Dealer?Tom Grieve
10 months agoSUPREME COURT + ATF + VanDerStok: Here we GO! Frame Receiver Rule Scotus Garland Ghost Gun and PMFsTom Grieve
10 months agoJudge SLAMS Gun Owner w Prison for THIS?! Insane New York Jury Trial Outcome over PMFs, Ghost GunsTom Grieve
11 months agoRANKING 50 States for GUN LAWS! Texas Florida California Wisconsin Pennsylvania Michigan Arizona +Tom Grieve
10 months agoPRISON for All? Biden Gun Control Order is HERE! Statistics say it is Flawed and WrongTom Grieve
9 months agoCRUSHED Gun Law: 1 Law, 2 Cases: BAD LAW Bruen Works to Claim Another Victim in MassachusettsTom Grieve
10 months agoMAJOR VICTORY Massive Study CRUSHES Anti-Mag Arguments! NSSF NAGR study + analysisTom Grieve
8 months agoLIBERTY or CRIMINALS: What is 2nd Amendment for? Court Picks a side in gun range case, MichiganTom Grieve
11 months agoSUPREME COURT Favorite Teaches 2nd Amendment History: English Gun Rights 1680-1820 Dr. Joyce MalcolmTom Grieve
8 months agoOBSCURE Rule BANS GUNS all over state. Lawsuit says NO. Wisconsin DNR BANS firearms, will law fall?Tom Grieve
5 months agoCourt DESTROYS Machine Gun Ban: Are They Legal Now?! Back on the Menu? FOPA, Hughes, and 922(o)Tom Grieve
10 months agoTHOUSANDS of Machine Guns DESTROYED! Why? Firearms FFL Expert Michael KwiatkowskiTom Grieve
11 months agoCOURT ORDERS YouTube viewer personal data on videos, names, address, phone number IP AddressesTom Grieve
11 months agoA SUPREME COURT RULES: Shoot in Backyard?! Supreme Court of Pennsylvania Rules, Lessons LearnedTom Grieve
11 months agoS&W+Glock SURRENDER?! Gun Makers Bankrupt!? 20 years ago, Gun Grabbers Quietly ALMOST WonTom Grieve
5 months agoLand Rich, Cash Poor: My Family's Hope and the Untold History of the Disappearing American FarmerThe Jiggy Jaguar Program