RETIRED BLACK POLICE CAPTAIN SHOT BY THUGS, UNRULY GANGS: BLACKS & BLACK LATINO MEN CONTINUE TO TERRORIZE THEIR OWN COMMUNITY WITH VIOLENCE...“For among my people are found wicked men”🕎Baruch 3:1-16 “we are yet this day in our captivity“
ETYMOLOGY, THE ROOT MEANING OF WORDS “sex” - late 14c., "males or females considered collectively," from Latin sexus "a sex, "to divide or cut"🕎Matthew 1:15-25 KJV
THE RFID CHIP WILL BE MANDATORY, IT WILL BE YOUR ONLY IDENTIFICATION, BANKING & HEALTH RECORDS..….”to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:” 🕎Luke 20:25 “Render therefore unto Caesar the things which be Caesar's”