Andy Schectman | The Destruction of America From the Inside Out | “What is Coming Will Render You a Victim if You Are Not a Contrarian” | How Can We Get Prepared?
Mel K | Can the Controlled Demolition of America be Stopped? | Agenda 2030 | UNESCO | Department of Education Rolling Out Mental Health and Community Schools
Culture War | Communist Revolution Now in America | Julie Behling | Beneath Sheep’s Clothing | Sounding the Alarm | How Can We Stop it? | “The People Who Are Most Successful at Implementing Communism in America Are Not Communists”
Culture War | Why Did BIDEN Say He is “STANDING DOWN” in His Letter? | Ann Vandersteel | FUNDING Our OWN Border INVASION? | Steel News | Operation Burning Edge
Culture War | Former Atheist and U.S. Navy Fighter Pilot Opens Catholic Classical School | Lt. Commander Ali Ghaffari | Fighting for the American Renaissance of Truth From Faith | Divine Mercy Academy
Culture War | How Can Gen Z Help Save America? | What Can Parents Do? | Hannah Faulkner | “We Are Under a Communist Regime - Stop Watering it Down And Speak The Truth” | The Hannah Faulkner Show
Culture War | “Godly Defiance” | Jen Brusa | Courageous Single Mom Defies 2020 Lockdowns to Keep New Business Open to Feed Her Boys | Beloved Cheesecakes
Culture War | How Do You Clear Brain Fog? | Guest: The Parasite Killer Dr. Jason Dean | “We are a Third World Country Because We Are Very Sick” | “70% of America is on an Average of Four Medications”
Riley Gaines | “Swimming Against the Current” | BIDEN’S ASSAULT AGAINST WOMEN With Rewrite of Title IX | What Happens After the August 1st Implementation? | Gaines for Girls Podcast
Clay Clark | Who is J.D. Vance? | “He (J.D. Vance) is a Creature of Elon (Musk), Peter (Thiel), & David Sacks” - Kara Anne Swisher (Fortune Magazine) | Thrivetime Show | Reawaken America Tour