1. Why I Used an Online Dating Site to Find a Filipina to Marry

    Why I Used an Online Dating Site to Find a Filipina to Marry

  2. Philippines OFWs, Good, Bad, a Necessity? More Harm than Good?

    Philippines OFWs, Good, Bad, a Necessity? More Harm than Good?

  3. Your Filipina Will Stay With You if You Don't Control Her

    Your Filipina Will Stay With You if You Don't Control Her

  4. Did I Marry a Filipina so I Could Have POWER Over Her? Some Think So

    Did I Marry a Filipina so I Could Have POWER Over Her? Some Think So

  5. Have Always Wanted to Lie on a Bed of Nails (Not for Younger Viewers)

    Have Always Wanted to Lie on a Bed of Nails (Not for Younger Viewers)

  6. Are Filipinas "Kuripot"? Sometimes a Negative Trait

    Are Filipinas "Kuripot"? Sometimes a Negative Trait

  7. What Would I Do If I Lost My Filipina Wife? Would I Try Again?

    What Would I Do If I Lost My Filipina Wife? Would I Try Again?

  8. How Much Does it Cost to Marry a Filipina (Visa included)?

    How Much Does it Cost to Marry a Filipina (Visa included)?

  9. What Wearing a Wedding Ring Means to Me (Filipina Wife)

    What Wearing a Wedding Ring Means to Me (Filipina Wife)

  10. Is it Okay to Refuse Your Spouse Intimacy? What Determines How Often?

    Is it Okay to Refuse Your Spouse Intimacy? What Determines How Often?

  11. How Should We Respond to Unrequited Love? It's Going to Happen

    How Should We Respond to Unrequited Love? It's Going to Happen

  12. Bite Your Tongue! No More Overeating Thanks to Filipina Wife

    Bite Your Tongue! No More Overeating Thanks to Filipina Wife

  13. Beyond Hanwell | "IT'S NOT SAFE HERE"

    Beyond Hanwell | "IT'S NOT SAFE HERE"

  14. 100 Pickup Lines Would You Use Any of Them? My Opinions Included

    100 Pickup Lines Would You Use Any of Them? My Opinions Included

  15. The "Disorient Express" What a "Ride" in Branson Missouri

    The "Disorient Express" What a "Ride" in Branson Missouri
