Elon Musk | "Neuralink Enables a Full Recording of Memories & All of Your Feelings & Everything. Everything You've Ever Felt. It's All Electrical Signals. You Could Record Everything." - Elon Musk (8/4/2022) | Rev 16:12-14
Elon Musk | "We Could Literally Change a Setting In Your Brain & Turn Off Hunger. A Sufficiently Advanced Neuralink Would Be Able to Save State. Is It Possible to Clone Humans? Of Course." - Elon Musk (8/4/2022) | Rev 16:12-14
Elon Musk | "With a Neuralink You Can Operate A Phone Even Faster Than Someone w/ Working Thumbs. You Can Enable People to Walk Again. We Are Getting Jesus Level Stuff. Jesus Level!" - Elon Musk (8/4/2022) | Rev 16:12-14
Vivek Ramaswamy | What Is the True Origin Story of Vivek Ramaswamy? | 16 Vivek Ramaswamy Facts You Need to Know! Should We Pronounce the Last Name As Ramawamy or RAMA-SWAMPY?
Vivek Ramaswamy | Who Is Vivek Ramaswamy? + Why Did Yuval Noah Harari Say? "New Powers That We Are Gaining Now, Especially the Powers of Bio-Technology & Artificial Intelligence Are Really Going to Transform Us Into Gods." + Virus X?