1. Psalm 27:11-14 Scottish Metrical Psalter to Kilmarnock

    Psalm 27:11-14 Scottish Metrical Psalter to Kilmarnock

  2. Episode 1389: The winds of change had to change the Rosary

    Episode 1389: The winds of change had to change the Rosary

  3. Psalm 69 v16-20 of 36 "Hear me, O LORD, because thy love and kindness is most good" Tune:Stroudwater

    Psalm 69 v16-20 of 36 "Hear me, O LORD, because thy love and kindness is most good" Tune:Stroudwater

  4. Psalm 123 "O thou that dwellest in the heav’ns, I lift mine eyes to thee." To the tune Ayrshire

    Psalm 123 "O thou that dwellest in the heav’ns, I lift mine eyes to thee." To the tune Ayrshire

  5. Psalm 31 v1-15 & 19-24 of 24 "In you I’ve taken refuge, LORD" To the tune Woodworth. Sing Psalms

    Psalm 31 v1-15 & 19-24 of 24 "In you I’ve taken refuge, LORD" To the tune Woodworth. Sing Psalms

  6. Psalm 63:1-8 of 11 "Lord, thee my God, I’ll early seek: my soul doth thirst for thee" Bays of Harris

    Psalm 63:1-8 of 11 "Lord, thee my God, I’ll early seek: my soul doth thirst for thee" Bays of Harris

  7. Psalm 143: 6-12 of 12 "Lo, I do stretch my hands To thee, my help alone" To the tune: Heber

    Psalm 143: 6-12 of 12 "Lo, I do stretch my hands To thee, my help alone" To the tune: Heber

  8. Psalm 40 v1-8 of 17 "I waited for the LORD my God, and patiently did bear" To the tune Ballerma

    Psalm 40 v1-8 of 17 "I waited for the LORD my God, and patiently did bear" To the tune Ballerma

  9. Psalm 51 v2-4 "Me cleanse from sin" Tune: St. Kilda #religion #responsorialpsalms #bibleverse

    Psalm 51 v2-4 "Me cleanse from sin" Tune: St. Kilda #religion #responsorialpsalms #bibleverse

  10. Psalm 148 "The LORD of heav’n confess, on high his glory raise." Scottish Psalter. Tune: St John

    Psalm 148 "The LORD of heav’n confess, on high his glory raise." Scottish Psalter. Tune: St John

  11. Psalm 74 v12-13 & 15-17 of 23 "For certainly God is my King, ev’n from the times of old" To Evan

    Psalm 74 v12-13 & 15-17 of 23 "For certainly God is my King, ev’n from the times of old" To Evan
