2 months agoClub of Rome Calls for 'Giant Leap': Plant-Based Diets, Net Zero, Wealth Redistribution, UBI by 2050Raw Media
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6 months agoNigel Farage: UK's Net Zero Commitment Is 'Ludicrous'—Calls for Nuclear Energy InsteadRaw Media
6 months agoKeir Starmer at WEF: Pushing for Net Zero and Clean Energy by 2030—Loyalty to Globalist Agendas?Raw Media
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8 months agoNET ZERO: "The whole thing is about charging us more money…about controlling our lives"TogetherDeclaration
4 months agoUK Faces Energy Shortfall Under Net Zero Plan—But Hey, At Least We Look Good on Paper! - UK ColumnUK Column Extracts
6 months agoProf. Ian Plimer: Net Zero Is the New Global Religion Used to Control and Crush FreedomsRaw Media
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10 months agoHow Many Degrees Will Global Decrease As A Result Of Moving To Net ZeroMovies, Videos, News and More
7 months agoFLASHBACK: With Labour pushing Net Zero policies on all of us, do they practice what they preach?TogetherDeclaration
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