1. She Travels Time to Spanish Flu Era & Returns to 2022 Bringing the Flu to the World Accidentally

    She Travels Time to Spanish Flu Era & Returns to 2022 Bringing the Flu to the World Accidentally

  2. In Future, Deadly Virus Infects All Humans & Causing Them To Lose Their Senses

    In Future, Deadly Virus Infects All Humans & Causing Them To Lose Their Senses

  3. This Orphan Is Always BuIIied, But They Don't Know How Dangerous This Man Is

    This Orphan Is Always BuIIied, But They Don't Know How Dangerous This Man Is

  4. Nature Conducts Strange Experiment with Rat & They Become Stronger than Humans

    Nature Conducts Strange Experiment with Rat & They Become Stronger than Humans

  5. In This School, Students Get Haircut Daily, But One Day She Misses & Finds Shocking Truth

    In This School, Students Get Haircut Daily, But One Day She Misses & Finds Shocking Truth

  6. In The Chalk Line, This Orphan Becomes A Cute Girl, But When Outside, She Looks Like A Monster

    In The Chalk Line, This Orphan Becomes A Cute Girl, But When Outside, She Looks Like A Monster

  7. After Being BULLlED Every Day, Finally This Student Shows Who The REAL KING Is

    After Being BULLlED Every Day, Finally This Student Shows Who The REAL KING Is

  8. In This World, People With Superpowers Are Treated Like A Virus That Must Be Terminated

    In This World, People With Superpowers Are Treated Like A Virus That Must Be Terminated
