1. NDIS Funding Has Been Cut, Is She Going to Die? How Can INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME Help?

    NDIS Funding Has Been Cut, Is She Going to Die? How Can INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME Help?

  2. 45-Year Old Mom Not Waking Up After Cardiac Arrest, CPR and No Brain Damage, Still Ventilated. Help!

    45-Year Old Mom Not Waking Up After Cardiac Arrest, CPR and No Brain Damage, Still Ventilated. Help!

  3. My 40-Year-Old Boyfriend in ICU isn't Waking Up After 7 Days, Meningitis, Seizures&Brain Blood Clots

    My 40-Year-Old Boyfriend in ICU isn't Waking Up After 7 Days, Meningitis, Seizures&Brain Blood Clots

  4. My Partner Has a Hypoxic Brain Injury & is in ICU Ventilated with Myoclonic Jerks & Poor Prognosis!

    My Partner Has a Hypoxic Brain Injury & is in ICU Ventilated with Myoclonic Jerks & Poor Prognosis!

  5. INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME Clients Want Our Service Instead of End-of-Life Care& Donating Organs in ICU!

    INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME Clients Want Our Service Instead of End-of-Life Care& Donating Organs in ICU!

  6. My Dad's in ICU in an Induced Coma Ventilated &Breathing Tube, He's Opened Eyes But Isn't Waking Up!

    My Dad's in ICU in an Induced Coma Ventilated &Breathing Tube, He's Opened Eyes But Isn't Waking Up!

  7. My Brother’s been in ICU for 4Weeks with Hypoxic Brain Injury,He's Not Waking Up,Should We Continue?

    My Brother’s been in ICU for 4Weeks with Hypoxic Brain Injury,He's Not Waking Up,Should We Continue?

  8. Should I Stop Life Support for My 41-Year Old Wife After Cardiac Arrest and Hypoxic Brain Injury?

    Should I Stop Life Support for My 41-Year Old Wife After Cardiac Arrest and Hypoxic Brain Injury?

  9. What is the Difference Between INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME and a Long-Term Intensive Care Patient?

    What is the Difference Between INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME and a Long-Term Intensive Care Patient?

  10. Keeping a Client at Home and Out of ICU/ED Predictably After 30 ED Admissions Within 8 Months

    Keeping a Client at Home and Out of ICU/ED Predictably After 30 ED Admissions Within 8 Months

  11. My Mother's Been in ICU For 2 Months Ventilated & Tracheostomy Unable to Wean, Can She Go Home?

    My Mother's Been in ICU For 2 Months Ventilated & Tracheostomy Unable to Wean, Can She Go Home?

  12. Can INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME Look After BIPAP, Wound Care, Catheters & Intravenous Medication at Home?

    Can INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME Look After BIPAP, Wound Care, Catheters & Intravenous Medication at Home?

  13. After Many Months in ICU After Subarachnoid Hemorrhage, Seizures&Tracheostomy, A Patient Can Go Home

    After Many Months in ICU After Subarachnoid Hemorrhage, Seizures&Tracheostomy, A Patient Can Go Home

  14. My Mother's in ICU with Cardiac & Kidney Failure, The Drs Say They Can't Do Cardiac Surgery, Help!

    My Mother's in ICU with Cardiac & Kidney Failure, The Drs Say They Can't Do Cardiac Surgery, Help!

  15. My Uncle's in Multi-organ Failure &3 Weeks in ICU! He’s Ventilated, Trache, Dialysis& Not Waking Up!

    My Uncle's in Multi-organ Failure &3 Weeks in ICU! He’s Ventilated, Trache, Dialysis& Not Waking Up!

  16. My Brother In Law’s In ICU With Pneumonia&Induced Coma,Now In Kidney Failure&Dialysis,Is This Normal

    My Brother In Law’s In ICU With Pneumonia&Induced Coma,Now In Kidney Failure&Dialysis,Is This Normal

  17. Why is My Sister Not Waking Up After Induced Coma in ICU and Can They Pressure Me for a DNR/NFR?

    Why is My Sister Not Waking Up After Induced Coma in ICU and Can They Pressure Me for a DNR/NFR?

  18. My Fiancé Had a Valve Repair and is Not Waking Up in ICU, Are There Any Complications?

    My Fiancé Had a Valve Repair and is Not Waking Up in ICU, Are There Any Complications?

  19. Can ECMO in ICU for Pulmonary Fibrosis Help My Husband to Survive this Terminal Illness?

    Can ECMO in ICU for Pulmonary Fibrosis Help My Husband to Survive this Terminal Illness?

  20. Why is My Sister Not Waking Up After Induced Coma in ICU and Can They Pressure Me for a DNR/NFR?

    Why is My Sister Not Waking Up After Induced Coma in ICU and Can They Pressure Me for a DNR/NFR?

  21. Still Alive In ICU After Day 10 In Spite Of Cardiac Arrest And “Doom And Gloom” From The ICU Team?

    Still Alive In ICU After Day 10 In Spite Of Cardiac Arrest And “Doom And Gloom” From The ICU Team?
