Mike in the NIght E550 - China Bullying Taiwan , Blackrock Gets Blood Money to Rebuild Ukraine = More Money Laundering, Major Protests in Columbia Latin Spring August 2024, The game and how its Played! , Next weeks news Today
2/16/24 Evil origin of Statue of Liberty? How the elite, steal/stole our wealth “legally”! Shocking Disney pilot never aired! Ukraine is money laundering! Exploring J6!
Mike in the Night! E576 - FU Zelnzki as EU approves €35 billion loan for Ukraine, Mitch McConnell Claims Trump Supporters Are ‘Losers’, hundreds of Canadians chose to be euthanized because of poverty and loneliness,
RFK Jr. - Who Really Profits From The Ukraine War? Blackrock & Defense Contractors Will Steal American Tax Donations From The USA Citizenship. This has been a big money laundering scheme from day one.