UMass Lowell: Encouraging The Discouraged, Banana Dressed Student Mocks & Speaks Perversion, Helps Me Draw A Crowd Of 30 Students, Lesbians Under Conviction, Brand New Christian Student Emboldened To Preach & Helps Me Witness To His Peers
Binghamton University: Even In The Rain The Gospel Draws A Crowd, Dealing With Atheists and Jews, Skeptics and Evolutionists, One Former Christian Asks Many Questions And Seems To Come Under Conviction, A Great Day of Preaching!
Florida International University (Miami): Heckler Demands To Know What Makes the Bible Special, I Prove the Bible True, Mocking Jew Eventually Takes Gospel Tract, A Few Sincere Christians Encourage Me, A Great Day of Preaching Jesus to the Masses
Prophetic Revelations, 52 Days of Nehemiah 6:15, Prophetic Warnings From New Film Bonhoeffer, Recurring Beast-Whore Patterns In History, 2026 Is 250th Anniversary of USA, America Elected The Anti-Christ Trump, Judgment Is Coming
Israel Pummels Hezbollah Terrorists, Spiritual Application of Israel's Current War, US Law Makers Seek To Pass Mass Casualty Amendment, Anons Continue In Their Insane Worship of Trump, Jesus Hates So Many Of You Hypocrites Psalm 5:5, The 144,000