Amightywind Prophecy 51 (enhanced-louder volume, a special shofar intro) Clarion Call Of The 144,000, Fear Not MY Little Ones, "I AM" Is Raising Up A Standard Against The Evil Ones!
Amightywind Prophecy 51 - The Clarion Call Of The 144,000! The Book of Revelation Bride! "I YAHUVEH am time itself. Who else can stop time, speed it up, or back it up?"
Re-upload: David Wilkerson's Shocking Message fulfilled, a sheep to sheep Dividing Sword. In Lev. 37:32 only every 10th Sheep, a red painted mark. YAHUSHUA Said Few Enter the Narrow Gate
Amightywind Prophecy 15 - It's One Minute Until Midnight! YAHUSHUA Comes in the Midnight Hour! America "But now your leaders have gone awhoring after other gods, they have called themselves MINE, yet mock all that is holy."
Amightywind Prophecy 33 - Like the Days Of Hitler WW2 but they'll Overpower mark 666! Millions Of Holy Martyrs In Great Tribulation give their lives like the Apostles did after the Bride is Taken
Pastor David Wilkerson (now in Heaven) Warned Of A "Persecution Madness" At true believers in JESUS (YAHUSHUA, Hebrew Translation) Many Filthy Churches. True Church Underground, Home Worship