Climate: The Movie (The Cold Truth) Why we should all consider ourselves LUCKY that CO2 levels and TEMPS are rising again!! -- Find Links to Many More Climate Crime Vids in Description Underneath the Video
Jason Rising: A Friday the 13th Fan Film (2021 Full Movie) | Horror/Drama/Supernatural | Summary: An escaped fugitive is on the run hunted by an elite group of trackers, but little do they know they are the hunted when they enter Camp Crystal Lake.
Tea Master Interviewed by Perseus of Argos: Uncovering UN's 17 SDG's, The 2021 Famine First Worlders Never Heard of, Crypto, Gen Z, East Asia, and More! | The Indie R Podcast (9/13/24)
QUADRUPLE FEATURE: WOTW (Full Movies) | 2005 (Remake) + 2008 (Unofficial Part 2 By Those Who Created the 2005 Remake) + 2021 (Yet Another Remake/Rendition) + 1953 (THE ORIGINAL) [Begins @ 4:16:20]