4 days agoElectro culture antenna gardening, health benefits of crystals, copper and color therapy.michaelj5326Verified
3 months agoKevin Hoyt and I discuss election and what's coming in the near future.michaelj5326Verified
5 months agoTake the kayaks to Yankeetown, FL, visit deserted island, she sliced her toe! Mill Lathe combo, FOODMotoCheez
7 months agoWhat does the economy, wars, immigration, devisiveness and trafficking look like after the election depending on who is elected?michaelj5326Verified
14 days agoThis kind of villa is suitable for dating #love #girl #sexy #movie #video #food #us #gamerokkyiamamt
11 hours agoWill President Trump reveal hidden messages and announce arrests on the congress report?michaelj5326Verified
16 days agoShooting From The Hip 21 - Aquatic Ape Hypothesis, "Sea Nomads": Sama Bajau, Orang Laut & MokenBetOnItSHOOTINGFROMTHEHIP
12 days agoWill Stargate AI be used to stop the ascension of humanity and open negative portals?michaelj5326Verified
17 days agoWhat is TrigenO3 - Extra-Corporeal Blood Ozonation and Oxygenation Filtration Treatmentnomoresilence
2 days agoJuan O Savin reveals the latest back channel intel on the world wide deep state take down.michaelj5326Verified
3 months agoMichael Jaco, Kevin Hoyt and Suzinator talk about world events and another 4 WavWatch giveaways!!!GrassRootsWarriorNetworkVerified
3 months agoMichael Jaco, Kevin Hoyt and guests Linda Bamber and the Suzinator discuss electionsKevinHoytVT
3 months agoMichael Jaco, Kevin Hoyt and guests Linda Bamber and the Suzinator discuss elections, a HUGE WavWatch announcement and what's coming in the near future.GrassRootsWarriorNetworkVerified
6 months agoMost of you are aware that many foods like breakfast cereals contain iron.AlgorythemQVerified