6 months agoTrump, Biden, Trudeau, Macron, Netanyahu, Putin, etc. Obey the Roman AI-NWO Cabal, NOT Zionist CabalLiberty TV
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5 months agoThey Don't Want You to Think Too Much and Find Out the Sun Is Local, Moon Is Plasma, Earth Is Flat..Liberty TV
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6 months agoJames Irwin and Apollo 15 Moon Landing Hoax | Bill Kaysing | The Moon Is NOT SOLID! See Description!Liberty TV
6 months agoDownload the Core Evidential Videos on Local Sun, Plasma Moon & Flat Earth for Safekeeping & SharingLiberty TV
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6 months agoPlanets Are Electromagnetic Toroidal Fields One Inside Another! They Are Not Solid Balls In "Space"!Liberty TV
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5 months agoAsteroids, Solar Storm, Outer Space and Globe Earth Do Not Exist! Don't Be Duped by Cabal-Run NASA!Liberty TV
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5 months agoGOOD/BAD YOU DECIDE: Donald Trump Announces Elon Musk Will Head Audit of "Entire Federal Government"Liberty TV
10 days agoSomeone Reveals the Flat Earth Model with the Black Sun, Which May Be the Worshipped “Planet” SaturnLiberty TV
6 months agoIn 2020, NWO Great-Reset Puppet Klaus Schwab Warned of Cyberattacks - Learn How to Counterattack !Liberty TV
5 months agoA Whistleblower in the US Said 95+ Percent of All Alternative Media Are Cabal-Paid and Controlled !!Liberty TV
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5 months agoURGENT MESSAGE: Human Race Is Under Attack + How You Could Stop It | Savehumans21 & Liberty TVLiberty TV