This is What The Illuminati's Marxists Have So Far SUCCESSFULLY Had Planned for Spirituality [Especially WEAK and FAUX-Spirituality] and Get You to TRAP YOURSELF + The Split From 3D Earth to 5D New Earth! | Jean Nolan (Inspired)
Heartbreaking: Vaccine-Injured Pharmacist Breaks Down Testifying Before Ohio State Committee. At least he lived unlike my mother and millions of other people world wide.
🚨 EMERGENCY MESSAGE TO TRUMP 🚨 GIVE TAX PAYERS THEIR MONEY BACK—NOT 5K; 👉🏽15-20K👈🏽 AT LEAST‼️ | WE in 5D: What a Little Pickle!—You SHOULDN'T Have to File Taxes to Get Your RIGHTFUL Stolen Property BACK TO YOU!