Lucifer | Why Did God Create Lucifer? Why Did God Not Destroy Lucifer? How Did Lucifer Become Satan & Deceive the Whole Earth? Disease X & What Does the Bible Say Will Happen Next? (Rev 16:12-14, Ezekiel 28:12-14, Rev 20:10 & Isaiah 14:12-15)
LAGOS NIGERIA & GHANA WOMEN ARE HOLY & BEAUTIFUL, THE DAUGHTERS & PRINCESSES OF ZION. THE ISRAELITE WOMEN LIVELINESS & ROYALTY!..“to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad, greeting”🕎John 1:47 “Behold an Israelite indeed”
THE STORM IS UPON US: 🇺🇸 "The rights of man come from the hand of God"- JFK 1961 - April 15 2024 the surfacing 50 USC 1550, EO 13818 #STORM - The End of Corporation America, End of Switzerland 🇨🇭 & Liberation of divine Humanity