Minstrel Man (1977 Full TV Movie) | Drama/Musica | Glynn Turman, Ted Ross. | Summary: Two brothers (Glynn Turman, Stanley Clay) form a non-degrading Southern minstrel troupe during the birth of ragtime.
A Dennis The Menace Christmas (2007 Full Movie) | Family/Comedy | Summary: A mischievous boy (Maxwell Perry Cotton) tries to show his neighbor (Robert Wagner) the holiday spirit while hoping Santa Claus grants his wish for a bicycle.
Invasion of the Neptune Men (1961 Full Movie) [Japanese Film Dubbed English] | Sci-Fi/Action/Part-Humor | Sonny Chiba | Summary: Inept invaders from Neptune are thwarted by a superhero (Sonny Chiba) and a team of Japanese kids wearing micro shorts.
Roaring City (1951 Full Movie) | Noir/Thriller/Crime/Action | Hugh Beaumont, Edward Brophy, Richard Travis. | Summary: A San Francisco private eye finds himself under suspicion while investigating a prizefighter's murder.
Minstrel Man (1944 Full Movie) | Musical/Drama | Benny Fields, Gladys George. | Summary: A vaudevillian (Benny Fields) mourns his wife, then is reunited years later with his long-lost daughter.
The Sword of the Barbarians (1982 Full Movie) | Adventure-Fantasy/Sword & Sorcery | Pietro Torrisi, Yvonne Fraschetti, Mario Novelli, Xiomara Rodriguez.