Mike in the Night E582 - No one is Backing what they are saying , Trump and Trudeau and phytanoyl makes no sense, Zelezkey is Bullshit, Next Weeks News Today, Headlines, Call ins
Time Management | “The search engine (Clay Clark taught) definitely helped. It doesn’t matter how good you are if you aren’t getting enough leads." - Ryan Wimpey (Founder of TipTopK9) + Tim Tebow Joins Thrivetime Business Conf.
Yuval Noah Harari | "From the Stories Preserved In the New Testament, Jesus Never Claimed to Be God. He Did Not Think He Was Yahweh. The Person Who Created Christianity Is Paul. Ten Commandments Endorse Slavery.” - 9/1/24
Clay Clark Client Success Story | "I Just Wanted to Say How Appreciate I Am for Clay! We've Had Tremendous Growth! From a Web Presence & Branding, Our Leads Are Up, Everything Is Hammering!" - SteveCurrington.com