Translation: governments are going ahead and augmenting their Populations with "gene therapy" and other methods without their consent! "Climate Change" SDG2030
Von Der Leyen 2024 “I’m pleased to pledge $290M for Gavi, the vaccine alliance. Together with Gavi, we have the goal to vaccinate 500M children by 2030…”
Wireless communication directly between brains is one step closer to reality thanks to $8 million in Department of Defense follow up funding for Rice University neuroengineers.
MBAN-nano-THZ-VLC=IoBnT Bio To Digital Convergence In Telecommunications 6G For Healthcare-Cybersecurity Industry 4.0. ~ What Are You "Doctor" FRAUDS Not Understanding About Standards, Marketshare In Your Own Industry?
On todays episode of Sabrina and nonvaxer420 were correct ~ SynBio for Human Health: Making Biology Easier to Engineer with Jason Kelly at SynBioBeta 2023
Computing Reliably with Molecular Walkers ~ Microsoft "DNA computing is emerging as a versatile technology that promises a vast range of applications, including biosensing, drug delivery and synthetic biology"